Aviator Lacrosse Club is excited to announce our Fall 2023 lacrosse program that will include five-practices and one-tournament. The program is open to current 7th (2029) through 12th graders (2024).
Practices will be from 1-3 PM at Walsh University’s Vasco Field on Sun. Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29.
The tournament is the Graveyard 7 vs. 7 Lacrosse Tournament of the HOF Village in Canton on Sat., Nov. 4 for Middle Schoolers and Sun., Nov. 5 for High Schoolers. Aviator Graveyard teams will have 10-players per team (3 Attack, 3 Middie, 3 Defense, and 1 Goalie). Each team is guaranteed 3 games.
Aviator’s Fall Program is open to all interested local players and does not require players to have participated in our Summer 2023 Travel Team and does not guarantee any spot on our travel team for next Summer’s 2024 Travel Team.
Aviator’s Fall Program will be $150 for existing team members, and $200 for new team members (includes team gear).
Parents can register players at: https://www.aviatorlacrosseclub.com/event-details/aviator-lacrosse-fall-2023-program.
Feel free to contact us at aviatorlacrosseclub@gmail.com or (330) 942-2519 if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Evan Dean, Owner
Aviator Lacrosse Club